South Chicagoland APA
League Operator: Benjamin Almazan
Phone: (312) 428-0306
Current: Each session currently has 20 divisions Approximately 160 teams
Sessions: Monday 9-Ball Start time: 7:00 2 division
Tuesday 9-Ball Start time: 7:00 1 division
8-Ball Start time: 7:00 3 division
Wednesday 8-Ball Start time: 7:00 4 divisions
Thursday 8-Ball Start time: 7:00 4 divisions
9-Ball Start time: 7:00 1 divisions
9-Ball Start time: 2:00 1 divisions
Your team plays once a week against other teams in your division
You can play on more than one team but they must be in different divisions
At the of the session, there are playoffs to see which team takes First Place
WorldQualifier/CityWide: All first place winners from each division and from each session (Summer,
Fall and Spring) play in the City-Wide Tournament in June.
S/L 2 8% S/L 5 22%
S/L 3 27% S/L 6 14%
S/L 4 26% S/L 7 3%
match-ups: Example: Skill Levels 6, 6, 5, 4, 2 = 23 or 6, 6, 5, 3, 3, = 23